Sprengel Museum Hannover

08/23 – 23/11/05

Address & contact
30169 Hannover
+49 511 168 43875

Opening hours
Tuesday 10 am to 8 pm
Wednesday to Sunday 10 am to 6 pm
Monday closed

"It is not by abstracting from the ordinary, but by grappling with it, I think, that we learn to be worldly. I am a creature of the mud, not of the sky." Donna Haraway writes. As an institution for international art of the 20th and 21st centuries, the Sprengel Museum Hannover takes up this proposition with the aim of testing it.

Lower Saxony is the German Land that farms far the most pigs – 7.3 million in 2022. In recent years, pig farming has become a central symbol in the debates on agriculture of the future. Debates of existential global relevance in view of climate trends and developments in world politics.

So what could be more appropriate than to address precisely this topic in Lower Saxony's capital city? How concrete and relevant to everyday life can art, in and with its poetic qualities, be in its argumentation?

Photo: Herling/Herling/Werner, Sprengel Museum Hannover


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