Heidi Specker and Dragutin Banic, Lutz Braun, Susanne Bürner, Andrea Büttner, Daniela Burger, Sunah Choi, Tatjana Doll, Kerstin Drechsel, Lina Ehrentraut, Isabelle Fein, Gerd Grüneis, Olivier Guesselé-Garai, Anna Haifisch, Sebastian Hammwöhner, Peter Herrmann, Laura Horelli, Maximilian Kirmse, Ulrike Kuschel, Peter Lütje, Antje Majewski, Florian Merkel, Raaf van der Sman, Martin Städeli, Erik Swars, Beate Terfloth, Wawrzyniec Tokarski, Stefan Vogel, Marcus Weber

  • Antje Majewski, Untitled, from: Cornfeld, Invitation by Heidi Specker to work on a silkscreen print after a late 19th century copperplate engraving. All works mixed media on paper
  • Beate Terfloth, Untitled, from: Cornfeld, Invitation by Heidi Specker to work on a silkscreen print after a late 19th century copperplate engraving. All works mixed media on paper
  • Daniela Burger, Untitled, from: Cornfeld, Invitation by Heidi Specker to work on a silkscreen print after a late 19th century copperplate engraving. All works mixed media on paper
  • Dragutin Banic, Untitled, from: Cornfeld, Invitation by Heidi Specker to work on a silkscreen print after a late 19th century copperplate engraving. All works mixed media on paper
  • Florian Merkel, Untitled, from: Cornfeld, Invitation by Heidi Specker to work on a silkscreen print after a late 19th century copperplate engraving. All works mixed media on paper
  • Gerd Grüneis, Untitled, from: Cornfeld, Invitation by Heidi Specker to work on a silkscreen print after a late 19th century copperplate engraving. All works mixed media on paper
  • Isabelle Fein, Untitled, from: Cornfeld, Invitation by Heidi Specker to work on a silkscreen print after a late 19th century copperplate engraving. All works mixed media on paper
  • Kerstin Drechsel, Mit Heidi im Maisfeld, from: Cornfeld, Invitation by Heidi Specker to work on a silkscreen print after a late 19th century copperplate engraving. All works mixed media on paper
  • Laura Horelli, Untitled, from: Cornfeld, Invitation by Heidi Specker to work on a silkscreen print after a late 19th century copperplate engraving. All works mixed media on paper
  • Lina Ehrentraut, Untitled, from: Cornfeld, Invitation by Heidi Specker to work on a silkscreen print after a late 19th century copperplate engraving. All works mixed media on paper
  • Lutz Braun, Untitled, from: Cornfeld, Invitation by Heidi Specker to work on a silkscreen print after a late 19th century copperplate engraving. All works mixed media on paper
  • Marcus Weber, Stop Killing Bees, from: Cornfeld, Invitation by Heidi Specker to work on a silkscreen print after a late 19th century copperplate engraving. All works mixed media on paper
  • Maximilian Kirmse, Untitled, from: Cornfeld, Invitation by Heidi Specker to work on a silkscreen print after a late 19th century copperplate engraving. All works mixed media on paper
  • Olivier Guesselé-Garai, Untitled, from: Cornfeld, Invitation by Heidi Specker to work on a silkscreen print after a late 19th century copperplate engraving. All works mixed media on paper
  • Raaf van der Sman, Untitled, from: Cornfeld, Invitation by Heidi Specker to work on a silkscreen print after a late 19th century copperplate engraving. All works mixed media on paper
  • Sunah Choi, Untitled, from: Cornfeld, Invitation by Heidi Specker to work on a silkscreen print after a late 19th century copperplate engraving. All works mixed media on paper
  • Tajana Doll, Untitled, from: Cornfeld, Invitation by Heidi Specker to work on a silkscreen print after a late 19th century copperplate engraving. All works mixed media on paper
  • Wawrzyniec Tokarski, Untitled, from: Cornfeld, Invitation by Heidi Specker to work on a silkscreen print after a late 19th century copperplate engraving. All works mixed media on paper

Berlin-based artist Heidi Specker lets maize sprout in the exhibition. In colourful diversity, “kissed awake” by 27 artist friends and colleagues, the plants proliferate. Specker issued an invitation to these reworkings of a schematic representation of maize as part of her own project Damme. Damme, the place of her origin, lies in Lower Saxony’s centre of the meat industry and the food industry that focuses on veganism and flexitarianism. The fact that there is a new interest in plant protein sources does not alter the fact that plant crops are grown in highly industrialised agriculture, and maize is a standardised, yet highly specialised crop. So-called hybrid varieties, plants that are infertile and thus oppose a circular economy, ensure dependence on the seed companies. This not only gives these companies enormous market power. It also rapidly reduces the global gene pool. According to the Heinrich Böll Foundation, in contrast to the agricultural markets in North and South America and Europe, 80 per cent of farmers, especially in Asia and Africa, still obtain seeds through propagation and exchange. It is to be hoped that the agricultural giants will be prevented from expanding their market power there as well. The collective project Cornfeld initiated by Specker points to this problem, playfully, lightly, in creative diversity.


Born in 1962, Damme, DE; lives in Berlin and Leipzig

• 1984–1990 Studied visual communication at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Bielefeld • 1995 Master student under Joachim Brohm • Since 2011 Chair of photography and media at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig

E 2022 Damme, Kunsthalle Lingen, Oldenburger Kunstverein and Kommunale Galerie Berlin (2020) (SE) (C); Schnittstellen, Sprengel Museum Hannover • 2019 Photographic Recall: Italian Modernist and Fascist Architecture in Contemporary German Art, UB Anderson Gallery, Buffalo, NY, US • 2018 Fotografin, Kunstmuseum Bonn and Camera Austria, Graz (SE) (C); Die Stadt, Kunstsammlungen Zwickau, DE • 2017 Saat Seed, Mies van der Rohe Haus, Berlin (SE) (C); Detail, Galeria PF, CK Zamek, Poznan, PL (SE)

P Damme Cornfeld Landstrasse Glückauf, Cologne, 2022 • Via Napione 2, Berlin, 2017 • In Front of, Cologne, 2016 • Re-prise, Munich, 2015 • MG Road, Leipzig, 2012; Sankt Anna, Cologne, 2012 • Im Garten/Concrete, Göttingen 2006