Arne Schmitt

Terra Grundwerte or Trying to Connect the Dots
  • Untitled (route), from: Terra Grundwerte or Trying to Connect the Dots, 2023, Inkjet print, 26 x 19,5 cm
  • Mesa Agrar GmbH, Hohegohlstraße 21, D–26607 Aurich, from: Terra Grundwerte or Trying to Connect the Dots, 2023, Inkjet print, 26 x 19,5 cm
  • Schweinezucht Binde GmbH, Dorfstraße, D–39619 Binde/Arendsee, from: Terra Grundwerte or Trying to Connect the Dots, 2023, Inkjet print, 26 x 19,5 cm
  • Mesa Agrar GmbH, Wasmerslage 3, D–39606 Osterburg (Altmark), from: Terra Grundwerte or Trying to Connect the Dots, 2023, Inkjet print, 26 x 19,5 cm
  • Schweineproduktion Brenkenhof GmbH, Kriener Landstraße 1, D–17391 Medow, from: Terra Grundwerte or Trying to Connect the Dots, 2023, Inkjet print, 26 x 19,5 cm
  • GLAVA GmbH, Fienerstraße 1, D–39307 Genthin/Gladau, from: Terra Grundwerte or Trying to Connect the Dots, 2023, Inkjet print, 26 x 19,5 cm
  • Jüterporc GmbH, Gewerbegebiet Bülowstraße, D–14913 Jüterbog, from: Terra Grundwerte or Trying to Connect the Dots, 2023, Inkjet print, 26 x 19,5 cm
  • Ferkelhof Wadelsdorf GmbH, D–03130 Hornow-Wadelsdorf, from: Terra Grundwerte or Trying to Connect the Dots, 2023, Inkjet print, 26 x 19,5 cm
  • Sauenhaltung Thierbach GmbH, Wallengrüner Str. 1, D–07952 Pausa-Mühltroff, from: Terra Grundwerte or Trying to Connect the Dots, 2023, Inkjet print, 26 x 19,5 cm
  • LFD Holding GmbH, D–04509 Schönwölkau, OT Wannewitz, aus: Terra Grundwerte oder Trying to Connect the Dots, 2023, Tintenstrahldruck, 40 x 32 cm
  • Terra Grundwerte AG, Kreuzstrasse 44, CH–6056 Kägiswil, from: Terra Grundwerte or Trying to Connect the Dots, 2023, Inkjet print, 40 x 32 cm

In his work, photographer Arne Schmitt is concerned primarily with ideological imprints in urban spaces. He is one of the invited artists who were given a specific assignment: Is it possible to make large herds of pigs visible at “eye level”? How can they be recognised? The photographs of the pig fattening, piglet rearing and biogas production sites of the LFD-Holding / Terra Grundwerte AG company network (a network difficult to unravel on the Web) show inconspicuous functional buildings planted in unspectacular landscapes. Photography as a medium of visualisation here illustrates impalpability: the German market leader is almost invisible. A text integrated into the series of images identifies the difficulties involved in the research and supplies facts from press releases. Schmitt also photographs the company headquarters of the new owner – and does so in color: the green lights up and the modern office architecture stands out against the radiant blue sky. At the time of the change of ownership, the address of the new owner matched that of Urs Küchler Treuhand AG, a “trust specialist” that advertises on its website the extra-low taxes in the Swiss canton of Obwalden.¹ The company website is emblazoned with the image of a village idyll of the 20th or 19th century.

But the “invisibility” of meat production is also evident on another level, for the communities in the neighborhood of the large East German plants show no signs of benefiting from the “pig money”. This distinguishes them significantly from West German centres of meat production. There, an until recently prosperous pig farming industry with small-scale ownership and a return flow of profits to the region contributed to their affluence.

¹ In 2008, Obwalden voted for a flat rate tax of 1.8 per cent. The profit tax on corporations was reduced from 6.8 to 6 per cent. Cf. website of Urs Küchler Treuhand AG, (retrieved: 9.5.2023).


Born in 1984, Mayen, DE; lives in Cologne und Zurich, CH

• 2005–2011 Studied photography at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig • 2011/12 Studied photography at the Hogeschool Sint-Lukas, Brussels • 2014/15 and 2016/17 Guest chair at HFBK Hamburg

E 2023 Ein Verhältnis, das wir ersehnen, Jacky Strenz, Frankfurt am Main, DE (SE) • 2022 Identität nicht nachgewiesen. Neuerwerbungen der Sammlung des Bundes, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn (C) • 2021 Zum Gedanken der aktiven Minderheit, station urbaner kulturen Berlin (SE) • 2020 Räson, Wilhelm-Hack-Museum Ludwigshafen, DE (SE) • 2019 Zeichen der Zeit. Zur Geschichte eines geschichtslosen Gebiets genannt Parkstadt Schwabing, Kunstraum München (Munich) (SE) (C) • 2017 The Photographic I – Other Pictures, Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Ghent (C)

P Ein öffentlicher Text, Leipzig, 2021 • Basalt. Ursprung Gebrauch Überhöhung, Leipzig, 2018 • Geräusch einer fernen Brandung, Leipzig, 2014